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When discussing cancer, it is essential to understand that three distinct stages are involved: initiation, promotion, and progression.

Cancer Initiation

Cancer initiation is widely believed to stem from gene mutations and DNA damage. Several factors can contribute to this damage, including:

1. Radiation Exposure – During World War II, survivors of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki later developed cancer due to radiation exposure. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to radiation, such as from 5G cellular networks. As a result, nearly all city dwellers have some degree of gene mutation, with cancer cells circulating in their body fluids

2. Environmental Toxicity – The air we breathe and the water we drink contain pollutants that can contribute to DNA damage.

3. Substance Abuse – The use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and certain pharmaceuticals increases the risk of mutations.

4. Health Conditions and Diseases – Chronic inflammation and viral infections can also trigger DNA damage.

5. Dietary Factors – Consuming pesticide-laden or highly processed foods that contain GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) chemical additives can contribute to mutations.

6. Genetics – Some individuals inherit a genetic predisposition to cancer from their parents.

In today’s world, avoiding all of these risk factors is nearly impossible. Consequently, it is widely accepted that over 99.99% of people living in developed societies have microscopic cancer cells (mutated genes) circulating in their bodies. Our immune system continuously repairs damaged genes or eliminates cancer cells, while these cells simultaneously multiply, maintaining a delicate balance.

However, this raises an important question: If we are all exposed to the same environment, why do only some of us develop cancer while others do not? The answer lies in the promotion and progression of cancer.

Additionally, some researchers suggest that a lack of micronutrients could be a key contributor to DNA and gene damage, leading to cancer initiation. Dr. Bruce Nathan Ames of UC Berkeley, a leading authority in this field, states.

  • Micronutrient deficiency is a major cause of DNA damage.
  • DNA damage is a leading cause of cancer initiation.
  • Deficiencies in micronutrients such as folic acid, B-12, B-6, B-3, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and zinc can damage DNA in a way similar to radiation exposure.
  • The human body is only as strong as its weakest link. It is estimated that over 60,000 sets of DNA are damaged daily.
  • When DNA damage goes unrepaired, it accelerates aging, chronic inflammation, and organ damage, making us more susceptible to disease.

Cancer Promotion

Cancer promotion occurs when mutated genes receive adequate nutrients to multiply. Dr. Colin Campbell’s research has shown that animal protein plays a key role in cancer promotion.

Animal protein is rich in IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1), a hormone responsible for rapid growth, such as the tenfold growth observed in a newborn calf within six months. Dr. Campbell’s research demonstrates that when total dietary protein exceeds 8%—particularly from animal sources—cancer promotion is triggered. In contrast, in the absence of animal protein, mutated genes may remain dormant.

Cancer Progression

Cancer progression begins when cancer cells circulating in body fluids attach to a part of the body and develop blood vessels to sustain themselves—a process known as angiogenesis. Once blood vessels form, cancer cells receive nourishment, allowing tumors to grow. When a tumor reaches a detectable size, it is diagnosed as cancer.

IGF-1, abundant in animal protein, significantly promotes angiogenesis. Dr. Campbell has demonstrated that eliminating animal protein and adopting a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can greatly reduce cancer risk.

The Role of Dairy in Cancer

It is important to note that while many Indians follow a vegetarian diet, they consume significant amounts of dairy. The casein protein in milk has been shown to promote angiogenesis. In 1968, Indian scientists C Gopalan and TV Madhavan at the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, published a study revealing that:

“Mice that were fed 20% casein developed tumors when exposed to carcinogens but the group that was fed only 5% casein did not develop tumors in spite of the same exposure to carcinogens”.

Dr Campbell, in the documentary Forks Over Knives, discusses this research at length. His work at Cornell University and his landmark study, The China Study, the largest research project on diet and cancer correlation, further reinforced these findings.

For more insights, I recommend watching Dr. Campbell’s talk on how animal protein activates cancer and Dr. William Li’s TED Talk on angiogenesis and anti-angiogenic foods.

Cancer Treatment 

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, standard medical treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation should be followed. However, diet also plays a critical role.

Angiogenic Foods to Avoid

To inhibit cancer growth, one should eliminate the following angiogenic foods:

  • Milk and milk products.
  • All animal foods including fish and eggs.
  • Refined sugar, jaggery or honey.
  • Refined Oils.
  • Ultra Processed prepackaged foods.

Anti Angiogenic Foods to Include

To help prevent and combat cancer, include anti-angiogenic foods such as:

  • Allium Vegetables like Garlic, Onions and Leeks
  • Cruciferous Vegetables like Broccoli, Cabbage and Kale
  • Ginger, Turmeric, Chili Peppers
  • Flaxseed
  • Lemon
  • Apples (with skin)
  • Berries of all color, including cranberries
  • Green Tea
  • Pomegranates
  • Figs
  • Cinnamon
  • Green mangoes

Significant research supports the role of diet in preventing and even reversing cancer progression. While I provide links to various studies and videos for motivation, the key takeaway remains: a whole-food, plant-based diet benefits overall health and prevents chronic diseases, including cancer.

Alternative Treatments for Cancer

Beyond traditional treatments there have been several recent advancements and here are some alternate approaches that have been developed:

  • Immunotherapy
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Hyperthermia
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Stem Cell Transplant
  • Gerson Therapy

Of these I will discuss immunotherapy and Gerson Therapy in some detail.

Cancer Immunotherapy 

Cancer immunotherapy harnesses the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Dr. Honzo, in his 2018 Noble Prize winning research, demonstrated that when the body is deprived of food (especially protein) it strengthens and builds new immune cells which help fight major diseases like cancer. It involves antibodies that bind to, and inhibit the function of, proteins expressed by cancer cells. Cancer immunotherapies include vaccines and T-cell infusions. This approach includes:

  1. Boosting the body’s natural defenses to recognize and destroy cancer cells.
  2. Laboratory-engineered immune cells designed to enhance the immune response against cancer.

The Role of Fasting in Cancer Treatment

Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California (USC), has shown that prolonged fasting can rejuvenate the immune system, aiding in cancer treatment. In fact, he has created a fasting mimicking diet and patented it. It is approved by health insurance companies in the United States for cancer patients.

At the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, cancer patients undergo supervised water fasting for up to 40 days as a last-resort treatment. For those unable to fast for extended periods, Dr. Longo developed the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), which provides similar benefits. He demonstrated that cancer patients can benefit significantly by prolonged fasting for five days every month or every other month.


OMAD Fast for Cancer

Many doctors recommend high-protein diets for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. However, this contradicts the research by Nobel Laureates Dr. Tasuku Honjo and Dr. James Allison, as well as Dr. Longo’s findings.

I recommend that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation practice OMAD (One Meal A Day) fasting for five continuous days each month. The meal should be under 500 calories and low in protein (under 5%). For more information refer to my blog on Navratri Fast.

Gersen Therapy

Max Gerson developed a holistic cancer treatment emphasizing juicing and liver detoxification through organic coffee enemas. Though controversial and banned in the United States, his clinic in Mexico has successfully treated many late-stage cancer patients.

In Germany in the early 1900s, the 1931 Nobel-prize winner Dr Otto Warburg suggested that cancer cells “live in hypoxic, very low oxygen, and acidic conditions and derive energy from sugars by fermenting them the way yeast does”. From this he theorized that these low-oxygen and highly-acidic conditions caused cancer. At the same time his contemporary Dr Gersen was beginning to treat cancer patients using an unconventional method of flooding the body with nutrients using green juicing and detoxing the liver by giving organic coffee enema. Dr Gerson in 1936 moved to US and started treating cancer patients using his therapy.

He may have had some Indian influence. Germans have had interest in Indian philosophy and Ayurveda for several centuries.

In US initially Dr Gerson was highly acclaimed but later they started calling him a quack and banned his practice. He wrote a book outlining 50 case histories of curing cancer. His daughter, Charlotte, opened a clinic in Mexico just south of the San Diego border, as it is banned in US. The clinic has had significant success considering that only last stage cancer patients go there. I am posting some links to several documentaries made on him. His main premise is that the human body heals itself. All we need to do is to feed it nutrients and keep it detoxified.For more information watch the linked videos below.

Animal Protein Turns on Cancer Genes

Link Between Dairy Protein and Cancer

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer

Cancer Immunotherapy Duo Wins Nobel Prize

How Does Cancer Immunotherapy Work?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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