Conscious love is a rare phenomenon

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By- Osho

When you fall in love with someone, you feel very happy. This is a drug; a drug your hormones create within your body, a biological drug. Nature has to use it because nature cannot rely on you. Just think, if there is nothing like love, the world will cease – because sex is so ridiculous. Who will want to experience sex if no intoxicant is involved?

Love is just a bait. The real desire of nature is to reproduce. But you cannot be relied upon; if you don’t fall in love, you will not reproduce. You fall in love – nature is playing a trick. Nature is giving a drug and releasing it into your body. It has glands in the body where it releases the drug. It is a natural, biological, hormonal drug. That’s why whenever someone is in love, look at him, he walks differently. He is no longer here – completely absent, lives in the imagination, the desire, the dream, and does not live in reality.

He has unknowingly drugged himself. After a few days, when the love is gone – because no drug can last forever – by the time the honeymoon is over, it is also over. You start facing reality and there is trouble because whatever you promised, you promised when you were not conscious…Now you must fulfil promises given in a state of unconsciousness. Now you have to fulfil those promises; now the burden grows…If you love consciously, love can be eternal because with consciousness everything is eternal. With unconsciousness everything is momentary.

If you love consciously and are not a victim of biological tricks, not a victim of nature, but a conscious love, you don’t fall in love, you rise in love.

Love itself becomes an integrating force, not a disintegration.
Love itself becomes an awareness; you become more and more aware in relationships. You care for the other, you don’t use the other. You care and share, you don’t possess. You liberate the other, and through the other’s liberation you liberate yourself. You become two partners in an ultimate journey. You help each other because there are pitfalls; the path is long and the journey is eternal. It is very good to be with someone who can share every anguish, pain, suffering, bliss, every moment of silence with whom you can communicate and say what is happening to you. You need not hide anything with someone you love; you can remain open and vulnerable. Whatever the situation, love is unconditional; it doesn’t depend on conditions.

A conscious love is a totally different phenomenon. It happens rarely, but whenever it does happen it is one of the most beautiful things that is possible in this world.

Ordinarily your love is just a drug… Sex looks beautiful because of love… But when you are drugged, you are not aware of what is happening. When you are drugged, you never look at yourself.

A bridged from The Hidden Harmony/Courtesy: Osho International Foundation/



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