Iran Desperate to Declare Itself "Nuclear Power” To Thwart Trump's Greenlight To Israeli Strikes?

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US intelligence agencies have assessed that Tehran is exploring ways to quickly develop a nuclear weapon if the country’s leadership decides to pursue one. A secret team of Iranian nuclear scientists is working to develop a nuclear bomb quickly even if it means pursuing a cruder approach, the New York Times reported.The development comes even amid signals that Iran’s new president is actively seeking a negotiation with the Trump administration. The intelligence was collected in the last months of the Biden administration, then relayed to President Trump’s national security team, as per NYT. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTIONIRAN SEEKING A SHORTCUT TO NUKE BOMB?WHY IRAN MAY BE EXPLORING NEW WAYS TO NUKE WEAPONS”IRAN HAS NEVER SOUGHT NUCLEAR WEAPONS”

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