‘Openly revealed Congress’s agreement with China’: Sam Pitroda’s remark draws BJP’s ire

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'Openly revealed Congress’s agreement with China': Sam Pitroda's remark draws BJP's ire

NEW DELHI: Indian Overseas Congress (IOC) chairman Sam Pitroda, who seems to be forever embroiled in controversy, was once again caught in political crossfire over his latest remarks on China. Pitroda’s remarks drew ire from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which accused him of undermining India’s sovereignty and aligning with Congress’s alleged pro-China stance.
Speaking in an interview with news agency IANS, Pitroda had questioned the perception of China as a threat. “I don’t know what is the threat from China. I think this issue is often blown out of proportion because the US has the habit of defining an enemy,” he said. He argued that India needs to move away from a confrontational mindset and focus on collaboration. “To assume that China is the enemy from day one is just not fair, not just to China, but to anybody. We need to increase communication, collaborate, cooperate, and co-create rather than operate with a command-and-control mindset,” Pitroda added.

His remarks triggered a strong response from the BJP. Party spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said, “Sam Pitroda has openly revealed the Congress party’s agreement with China. The kind of statement given by him is a deep blow to India’s identity, diplomacy, and sovereignty.”
The BJP has demanded a clear clarification from the Congress party on Pitroda’s statements. “There is no escape route for the Congress now. They must come out with an explanation,” Trivedi said, further claiming that Pitroda’s words aligned with the views of billionaire investor George Soros, whom the BJP has frequently accused of influencing Indian politics.
“Whatever Sam Pitroda has said… it appears that the lyrics is by Sam Pitroda and music is composed by Soros and Congress, INDI alliance people are playing the symphony,” the BJP spokesperson said.

BJP leader Ajay Alok went a step further, alleging that Pitroda’s remarks reflected Congress’s long-standing ties with China. “Sam Pitroda is the mentor of Rahul Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi has also signed a secret treaty with the People’s Liberation Army of China. Rajiv Gandhi took funds from China, and Jawaharlal Nehru gave away Aksai Chin and India’s seat in the UN Security Council to China. Congress’s friendship with China is an old one,” Alok claimed.
Meanwhile, Congress distanced itself from Pitroda’s comments. Party leader Raashid Alvi said, “China was, and still is, an enemy. If any Congress leader says otherwise, they must be aware that Rahul Gandhi has consistently said that China has occupied our land. If someone claims otherwise, it means there’s no need for external enemies when the fire is already burning within the house.”
This is not the first time Pitroda’s remarks have put Congress on the defensive. Previously, his comments on wealth redistribution and inheritance tax were seized upon by the BJP to claim that Congress sought to “loot” the people.

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