TGCHE for curriculum revision of B.A. courses in State universities 

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Updating course syllabus to enhance the employability skills of students as the State government’s priority, the Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE) on Monday met with the subject experts for modification of Bachelor of Arts curriculum.

The committee comprised TGCHE chairperson V. Balakista Reddy and his team, subject experts, and the Board of Studies of conventional universities in the State.

According to the deliberations, modifications of B.A. Arts and Social Science, including B.A Hons (Telugu) curriculum in the State Universities and its affiliated institutions, was proposed to come into effect from the 2025-26 academic year.

Mr. Reddy said the existing syllabus is required to be changed by 20-30% after taking inputs from experts concerned as per the regulatory bodies.

Keeping in view the national competitive exams, the proposed modifications for syllabus are that the curriculum template should be prepared for 150 credits uniformly for all the universities. Seminars, projects and internships are to be included in the curriculum. New courses like emerging technologies such as AI, Data Science, Cyber Security and the like are to be introduced. And B.A Hons. (Telugu) programme to be newly introduced in Osmania University.

It was also said that faculty development programmes will be conducted at the university level, such as by organising orientation programmes, workshops and refresher courses. TGCHE will provide the required financial assistance for the same.

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